"Anxiety World", 3D Environment, A-frame

Anxiety World is a 3D virtual reality experience that depicts my personal struggle with anxiety, marijuana abuse, and how it affects my worldview. Fun and colorful yet possibly fear-inducing clowns evoke a sense of tension and disquiet. The scene itself takes place in a liminal space made up of unending white sprawl and colored tiles that suggest a sort of false comfort. One of the clowns offers you a blunt. On one hand, marijuana may add to the problem of anxiety. On the other hand, it offers a fun distraction. What do you do? Sometimes I feel trapped in a carnivalesque reality where I'm not sure of the people around me or my path forward. Marijuana serves as a temporary escape and "self-handicap" that allows me to feel there is an understandable reason for the anxiety I face. It also aids a sense of having fun in the face of adversity and the unknowing of anxiety. Anxiety World asks the viewer to consider the prevalence of anxiety, marijuana abuse, and the impact it has on people's lives, and for those struggling with these issues to enjoy the ride despite the challenges you may face.